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San Diego .NET Users Talk / Brian Noyes Typescript

Code can be found here.

Typescript overview

  • Any typescript file can have standard javascript code.

ECMAScript 5 (ES5) is the Javascript version ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) released in 2015 (big game changer for javascript language features) ECMAScript 2016/2017 (Nothing new really)

  • Typescript gets converted to ES5 code
  • Polyfills are used for features that are not yet supported by all browsers

  • Can Not Use tells you what javascript versions and things cant be used on some browsers

      Compilers go from High Level to Machine
      Transpilers go from Typescript to ES2015 ( Syntactical and structural )
  • Polyfills are used for Promises if browser doesn’t support it.

Build Options

  • Visual Studio (migrating away)
    • compileOnSave
    • JavaScript Services
  • Visual Studio Code - build task (lightweight)

  • I need to make a build task (gulp) build/bundle tasks
  • Webpack - build/bundle tasks
    • Development time infastructure for build tasks
    • Compile the .ts into .js
    • Compile sass/less files into .css
    • Minify files
    • Setup local server to view changes on save

Angular CLI is using Webpack!

tslint helps you write clean code

Lot of similarities of C# and Typescript

class SomeClass extends MyBase{
    private _somevar: string = "Yeah";

    public message: string;

    get someProp() : string{
        return this._somevar;
    set someProp(value: string) : string{
        this._somevar = value;
    someMethod(): number{
        return 42;

Visibility modifiers and types are present on Typescript not, ES2015


    var item = "A";

item is local to the function, removes the issue of global namespacing problems

tslint.json is a configurable file that modifies tslint

codelyzer brings in angular specific syntax analyzing

Visiblity modifier = Public/private is typescript

String Templates / Literals

Backticks are used as quotes now.

const result = `Hello ${}, are you ${5 + threshold} years old?`;

let and const are block scoped.

Arrow Functions

  • Like Lambda exxpressions
    this.startEngine().then((result) => { ... },
                            (error) => { ... });

Working with Visual Studio, use Web Essentials!

Arrow functions means, this means this.

With gulp, just type gulp and it’ll do everything.


const promise = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
        resolve("Cool stuff");
   return promise;

To consume the promise: sc.startEngine2().then( result => console.log(result), error => console.error(error) );

Better method, cleaner: try{ const asyncResult = await sc.startEngine(); } catch (error){ console.error(error); }

.then, .catch, .finally can be used.

Typescript types

public name: string = 'Barney';
private f: number = 42;

getUntypedObject() : any {
    return { answer:42, fav: "coolio" };


noImplicitAny = true, true doesn't allow any to be used


export interface blah{ }


export class CustomerListComponent{}

Allows you to specify metadata


Put await in front of call to something that returns a promise Put async in front of function, method, or property declaration

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